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Apple unmanned project within 2 years to see the outcome or repairer or completely abandon  (2018/3/8 13:08:48)
Apple unmanned project within 2 years to see the outcome or repairer or completely abandon
2018-03-07 label: Apple auto artificial intelligence source: Phoenix Technology

According to AppleInsider recently reported, an analyst believes that Apple test driverless car technology, may not be satisfied with the development of a single driverless platform, but will launch a fully autonomous design of the driverless car.


Robert Chha, an investment analyst at Guggenheim Robert, said in an investment report, "Apple investment is the driverless technology of the mother of all AI projects, but it has not committed itself to launch the vehicle." (Cirha) As we all know, Apple's whole business mode is based on vertical integration control, so it is not likely to sell AI modules to third party car manufacturers. We expect that in the next 2 years, Apple will either introduce the driverless car or give up the business, but considering the subversive and market scale of the technology, it is considered that apple is more likely to launch the driverless vehicle.


In 2015, it was thought that Apple was developing its own brand car, but at the end of 2016 the apple changed its strategy and focused on developing the car platform. There is a rumor that apple is in love with the taxi market and may work with the Chinese taxi company.


Turning the target into a complete vehicle will meet the desire of apple to control its entire ecological chain, but it will face other difficulties. For example, although Apple has hired many experts, but as a company, it is still a novice in automotive design, and its competitors are not only electric car giants Tesla, but also those big name auto manufacturers. Because there is no capacity to make a car, it also needs to find a manufacturing partner.


In addition, Apple has to adapt to a much longer upgrade cycle and expand its support infrastructure. Automobile manufacturers usually continue to provide accessories and support services in the coming decades after the launch of new models. Apple usually announces Mac computers and other electronic products "scrapped" after 7 years of introduction.
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