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corporate culture  (2016/9/29 15:49:57)

corporate culture
Enterprise culture, or Culture Organizational or Culture Corporate, is an organization composed of its values, beliefs, rituals, symbols, ways of doing things, such as its unique cultural image.
Worker culture, also known as enterprise staff culture, is a cultural form that corresponds with the enterprise culture, the employee culture is a quality culture, enterprise culture, enterprise culture, is a kind of management culture.
The enterprise culture is under certain conditions, the production operation and management activities of enterprises created by the enterprise has the characteristics of spiritual wealth and material form. It includes the concept of culture, values, enterprise spirit, moral norms, norms, traditions, cultural environment, enterprise system, enterprise products. The value is the core of corporate culture.
Enterprise culture is the soul of enterprise, is an inexhaustible motive force to promote the development of the enterprise. It contains a very rich content, its core is the enterprise spirit and values. The values of various cultural phenomena is refers to the enterprise management, but the employees in the company or enterprise value from business activities with in.
The enterprise culture is formed in the operation activities of enterprise business philosophy, business objectives, business principles, values, management behavior, social responsibility, the total operation image. Is the fundamental embodiment of enterprise individual, it is the enterprise survival, competition and development of the soul.
The enterprise culture is composed of three levels:
(1) the surface layer of the material culture, known as the "hard culture" of the enterprise, including plant capacity, plant appearance, mechanical equipment, product modeling, appearance, quality and so on.
(2) the intermediate level of institutional culture, including the leadership system, interpersonal relationships and the rules and regulations and discipline.
(3) the core layer of the spiritual culture, called "corporate soft culture", including a variety of behavioral norms, values, corporate awareness of the group, the quality of workers and the fine tradition, is the core of corporate culture, known as the spirit of enterprise
Terrence E deal, Alan A Kennedy, the overview of enterprise culture as a whole theoretical system of 5 elements, namely the enterprise environment, values, heroes, cultural rituals and cultural networks.
Enterprise environment is the nature of the enterprise, the business direction, the external environment, corporate social image, and other aspects of the outside world. It often determines the behavior of enterprises.
Value refers to the enterprise within the members of an event or some kind of behavior is good or bad, good and evil, right and wrong, is worthy of imitation. Consensus values is the core of enterprise culture, the unity of values that make the members in the enterprises with a unified standard in judging their own behavior, and to determine their own the behavior of
The hero is refers to the enterprise culture core or enterprise culture personality, its role is as a live model, provide a learning example for other employees in the enterprise, to strengthen plays an extremely important role in the formation and the enterprise culture.
Cultural ritual refers to all kinds of enterprises in recognition, reward activities, parties and cultural activities, it can put the enterprise some of the drama and image, to vividly reflect the publicity and corporate values, make people through these activities will lead to lively and vivid connotation of enterprise culture, enterprise culture "fun".
The cultural network refers to the informal channels of information transmission, which is mainly the dissemination of cultural information. It is composed of some kind of informal organization and the crowd, it is transmitted by the information can often reflect the aspirations and mentality of workers.
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