STM32 development board designed for STM32F103Z series, features the STM32F103ZET6 MCU, and integrates various standard interfaces, pretty easy for peripheral expansions.
Open103Z is a STM32 development board that features a STM32F103ZET6 device as the microcontroller. There are further expansions with various optional accessory boards for specific application. The modular and open design makes it the ideal for starting application development with STM32F family.
Open103Z Development Board
Connecting to touch screen LCD
Connecting to ST-LINK
Connecting to various peripherals
Open103Z μC/OS-II (Ⅰ)
Open103Z μC/OS-II (Ⅱ)
Open103Z μC/OS-II (Ⅲ)
Open103Z μC/OS-II (Ⅳ)
Connecting to RS232 Board via USART
Connecting to USB UART Board via USART
Connecting to CAN Board via CAN
Connecting to Ethernet Board via SPI
Connecting to SL811 USB Board via FSMC
Connecting to VS1003B MP3 Board via SPI
Connecting to NRF24L01 RF Board via SPI
8 Push Buttons on the 8Bit I/O
4x4 Keypad on the 8Bit I/O
Test Board on the AD/DA port
Connecting to EEPROM Board via I2C
Multi I2C peripheral Module connected to the I2C bus
Connecting to DataFlash Board via SPI
Connecting to Micro SD Board via SDIO
Connecting to NandFlash Board via FSMC
Connecting to NorFlash Board via FSMC
Connecting to SRAM Board via FSMC
Connecting to any accessory board you need