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TPS61165DRVR  High brightness white LED driver in 2mm x 2mm QFN Package
  |  6 orders
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US $0.00
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Product Details
Part no.TPS61165DRVR
DescriptionHigh brightness white LED driver in 2mm x 2mm QFN Package
 DatasheetCheck Datasheet
$ 0.62 (USD)/个
$ 0.33 (USD)/PCS
Buyer comment area ^_^
 -*****  Order Number: PO:********0301907#
2021/4/28 11:10:30(time)
 ******  Order Number: PO:********4087887#
2018/2/25 10:04:08(time)
 ******  Order Number: PO:********5535377#
2017/12/29 13:45:53(time)
 永*****  Order Number: PO:********3272209#
2017/12/11 16:53:27(time)
 深*****  Order Number: PO:********2364697#
2017/12/11 14:32:36(time)
 ******  Order Number: PO:********8346039#
2017/4/25 15:18:34(time)
 Seller(Anderson) Reply: Thank you for all the trust and support of all the buyers, and we will give you better service. © 2006-2017 Internet Thinking(Hong Kong) Electronic Co.,Limited(Copyright)