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STM32F103VET6TR  Highdensity performance line ARMbased 32bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces
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Part no.STM32F103VET6TR
DescriptionHigh-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces
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STM32F103VET6TR Datasheet, PDF

Electronic Manufacturer Part no Datasheet Electronics Description
STM32F103VET6TR High-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces
STM32F103VEH6TR High-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces
STM32F103VEH6XXX High-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces
STM32F103VEH7TR High-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces
STM32F103VEH7XXX High-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces
STM32F103VET6 High-density performance line
STM32F103VET6XXX High-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces
STM32F103VET7TR High-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces
STM32F103VET7XXX High-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces
STM32F103VEY6TR High-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces
STM32F103VET6TR Datasheet, PDF More
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