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Beaglebone Arduino Adapter  SKU: CAPE for Arduino
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US $10.00 / PCS
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Product Details
Part no.Beaglebone Arduino Adapter
Date Code16+
Description-SKU: CAPE for Arduino
 DatasheetCheck Datasheet
    BB Black Expansion CAPE, Supports Arduino, Compatible with UNO (default) and Leonardo (by configuration)

    What's on the CAPE for Arduino

    BB Black Expansion CAPE on board resource
    1. Arduino connector : for connecting compatible Arduino shields, such as Motor Control Shield
    2. ICSP interface : for uploading Arduino programs
    3. DEBUG interface : for debugging BB Black OR connected Arduino shields
    4. Power indicator
    5. BB Black BOOT selection button
    6. VIN voltage level selection jumper : connects to VDD5V OR custom power supply
    7. IOREF voltage level selection jumper : connects to SYS5V OR 3V3

    CAPE for Arduino Photos

    BB Black Expansion CAPE
    CAPE for Arduino BB Black Expansion CAPE
    BB Black Expansion CAPE
    CAPE for Arduino BB Black Expansion CAPE back view
    BB Black Expansion CAPE
    CAPE for Arduino BB Black Expansion CAPE
    BB Black Expansion CAPE
    Connecting with BB Black


    Development resources:schematic, software, etc.
$ 10.00 (USD)/PCS © 2006-2017 Internet Thinking(Hong Kong) Electronic Co.,Limited(Copyright)